The New Life

We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

Romans 6:4

Easter is a time to look back. To remember and celebrate what was achieved 2000 years ago. But Monday is a time to look at the now. To do some self-assessment under the light of Jesus’ death & resurrection.

Romans 6:4 captures the implications of the resurrection for those who believe. 

We have been buried with Him. Our old self is crucified with Christ and buried. The old self that lived in rebellion to God. My old life was centred on me. I was King. I was Lord. I pursued my own pleasure. In Christ, that me has died. But… but… like some sort of weird zombie, sticking a hand out from the grave, every now and then that old me tries to claw its way back to control.

But I don’t want that old life back. The grace of God and the wonder of the resurrection is that I may live a new life. A life that is centred on God. A life that follows the rhythm of my creation. I can now love God like I was meant to. I can now love people according to the truth of love.

Easter Monday is a day for reflection. A day to consider the realities for you in light of the death & resurrection of Jesus. To kill sin and push the old self under another foot of dirt. To walk more freely in the newness of life Christ has raised you to, following Him as King.

For Today:
  • Have you died with Christ and been raised with Him?
  • Where do you feel the old self trying to tempt you?
  • What is one way you need to live in the newness of life?

Pray: Praise the Father that He made us very good to follow Him and live for Him. Give thanks that Jesus Christ was buried and raised so that you could enjoy the newness of life. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others flee sin and walk in a new way of life.
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