
27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel 28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.

Philippians 1:27-28

When I was in school - uniforms were on the decline. Kids rarely wore them, teachings didn’t force them to. At least at my old school. But judging by my kids' experience, things have changed. 

There is a new emphasis on uniform and I reckon that’s because of a realisation that the tidiness of the kid (including their clothing) reflects on the school. A well-dressed and groomed student says to people - this is a school you want to be a part of.

This is exactly the principle at work in verse 27. Paul commands the Philippians to live in a way that is worthy of the gospel. He’s telling them that their conduct is like a uniform that points to the truth and goodness of Jesus.

And this makes sense right. When Christians do good - it reflects on the gospel. When Christians do bad - it reflects on the gospel.

How big a deal is that? Well, remember the grace you have received? To attempt to continue the school analogy. We didn’t earn our way in but were given a free scholarship through the sacrifice of another.

Therefore, how much more should we live worthy lives in response to the kindness we have received. And - see the final sense of Paul’s words. When we do show the gospel and the God who gave us the gospel in His true light - it will be a sign to those who resist Christ that they may be wrong.

For Today:
  • Who is someone you look up to as living in a manner worthy of the gospel?
  • Are you living worthy of the gospel?
  • What does that look like for you today? In a decision you have to make?

Pray: Praise the Father that He is holy and gracious. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who sacrificed so that we could be privileged with the gospel. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others live lives worthy of the gospel.
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