A Sad Reality

18 For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.

Philippians 3:18-19

Isn’t that sad… It’s kind of the line you imagine your grandma saying over and over as she watches the nightly news. It’s filled with people making a train wreck of their lives because of drugs, gambling, poor decisions, relational conflict and so on.

And these things are sad. But Paul’s tears aren't simply for these kinds of people. Consider those we think most highly of; the elite athlete, the successful businessperson, the popular author or even just the majority of the ordinary people who make up our society.

Think of those who you see sitting at the restaurants. Drinking coffee at the cafe. Going for a run along the beach. Pushing their kids on playground swings. These are the people today. And it is a tragedy.

Their God is their stomach - just filling themselves with momentary satisfactions. Their glory is in shameful things that pollute the soul (greed, lust, laziness, gossip etc.). They pay no attention to God or to Jesus Christ. Their minds are set on earthly things.

Here’s why it’s so important to see this. As Paul’s tears and words remind us. Their destiny is destruction. So, even while we can glory and rejoice that our citizenship is in heaven and we wait to enter our finished land, let us cast our eyes to the terrible plight of the sinner. 

But this is a powerful reminder. It isn’t just the drug addicted, the financially bankrupt or the depressed who need Jesus. It is our neighbour, our kids' school teacher, it’s the person we share an office with. We need to see so that we might reach out to them and by God’s grace rescue them from such a terrible destiny.

For Today:
  • Are you saddened by the practices and plight of sinners?
  • Do you see all unbelievers as needing salvation? Or just the really messy ones?
  • Pray for the salvation of those who come to mind.

Praise the Father for His mercy to sinners who reject and resist Him. Give thanks for Jesus Christ in whom we can find freedom and forgiveness. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others feel the plight of sinners and reach out to them.
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