The Greatest Test

Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”

“Here I am,” he replied.

2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

Genesis 22:1-2

Has God ever asked you to give up something? No, not audibly. But you know - your reading the Bible one day or your listening to a sermon and you just know God is saying… you need to do this.

Well, can you imagine how Abraham is feeling? Let’s just really get this. For decades he isn’t able to have children. Then God promises a child who is promised to be the saviour of the world or at the very least the one from whom the saviour will come. So above and beyond all the usual love of a father to a son, you have literally the weight of the saving of the world invested in this young man.

And then God says, go and sacrifice your son.

Can you imagine this feeling? Can you imagine the thoughts? Wow.
To go a step further. Keep reading in Genesis and consider this. How did Isaac feel? As his dad took him up the mountain. Isaac knew what was happening. He certainly knew as he was being bound and laid on the altar. What is Isaac feeling? Thinking? He could have resisted. But he doesn’t.

Now, we know of course how this episode ends. But here is why it’s worth just reflecting on the pain before the resolution. The pain of a Father who must sacrifice His Son, the pain of a Son who must be sacrificed… you see where I’m going.

The cost of our salvation was no small thing. For the Father and for the beloved Son.

For Today:
  • What’s something you feel God has called you to sacrifice for Him?
  • When it’s hard to sacrifice - how could you remember this episode?
  • Give thanks for the Father’s and the Son’s sacrifice today.

Praise the Father for His love that He gave His only Son. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who went willingly to the cross. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others sacrifice in response to such a great love that we have received.
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