Wisdom Wednesday

Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.

1 Peter 2:11

It’s another night at home and an opportunity to relax. We switch on the TV and watch the latest series. And so begins another episode of the war in my heart. A war on several fronts.

The first is my desire for escapism. How nice is it to just switch off? To just be entertained without having to expend any real energy. It’s lovely. It’s an addictive state. It’s waging war on my soul.

The second is the desire of my eyes. Your average movie or TV series is filled with beautiful people. Copious amounts of makeup, the best lighting and angles. And then there are the sex scenes that just seem to be worked into most shows.

Finally, there is the desire for security. Have you ever noticed that most Hollywood/American shows/movies take place in upper middle-class environments. They have the good life. How could I get that?

It all just makes me want more. More escape. More attractive people. More dream locations. This is the war. And maybe it’s not TV series for you. Maybe it’s surfing or spending time with friends.

But the question is. What’s fuelling your inner war? What’s causing you to love the world more than God? What do you need to take a break from?

For Today:
  • What might you need to take a break from (either temporarily or permanently) to help you abstain from sinful desires?
  • Who could you ask to keep you accountable?
  • What’s one good habit you could pick up that will help you win the war?

Praise the Father that He is with His people to help them to victory over sin. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who won the war over Satan and evil. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others abstain from things that wage war on our soul.
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