Ephesians Day 2

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Ephesians 1:3

The #blessed thing is pretty old now. Like as old as people. The search for true happiness/human flourishing is nothing new (that’s what it means to be blessed). Greek philosophers like Aristotle & Plato sought to understand how people could be truly happy. Sadly, they looked for answers in their own reasoning. 

But Paul tells us that to be truly blessed in life, we need to be in Christ. Because only in Christ do we have the true foundations for happiness. Which is (as we have seen) peace with God, and as we will see, adoption into His family among many other things.

There is so much to see here. But here is the big thing to catch. God wants us to experience blessedness. That’s why He has blessed us. But we won’t see that if we keep thinking that blessing = material things now.

Instead, we need to see that this side of the new creation, our blessings are spiritual. And we think… I’d rather have the physical blessings! But I rekon that’s a bit of our sin and foolishness popping up. Because what we have in Christ now is greater than gold.

Remember, in Him we have hope, purpose, truth, love and identity. We have a people and a family. We get to know God and His love toward us. We have everything that humans need in life. We are blessed.

For Today:
  • Do you see that you are blessed?
  • Give thanks for the blessings you have in Christ.
  • Reflect on the day when you will experience all Christ’s blessing in full.

Praise the Father for all His blessings. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who shares with us the blessings that are His due. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others see the wonderful blessings of Christ.
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