Ephesians Day 3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Ephesians 1:3

Here is a hard question for you. What would you rather hear? ‘You have won the lottery - $100 million’ or ‘Your sins are forgiven and you will be welcomed into eternal life’? Comfort, security & pleasure for a few decades or comfort, security & pleasure delayed but enjoyed for eternity. 

It’s the marshmallow test on steroids right. And written on a whiteboard as an equation it seems simple, but in reality, not so simple. Now, I doubt anyone is going to offer you 100 million but this exercise reminds us of the nature of sin.

Most of us know we should take eternal life. But we are sorely tempted to think that 100 million would be nicer. Sin makes us irrational & short-sighted. Isn’t that what Satan tried with Jesus? “I’ll give you all the kingdoms you can see”. What was the point? Now… I’ll give them to you now and you won’t have to go through the suffering that is to come.

But learn from Jesus. It must have sounded attractive. But He knew. He knew it was a lie. You might have the best 60 years of your life spending a 100 million. You might get to experience pleasures that most humans never do. But then… it will be over. And you might just find God saying, sorry, you chose to gain this life but you forfeited the next.

Let’s be reminded for now that the blessings in Christ are spiritual now & physical later. And most of all, let’s ask God to help us see that what we have in Christ is ultimately, infinitely greater than anything we could receive in this world.

For Today:
  • How are you being tempted by the pleasures of this world?
  • How could you be reminded of the blessings you have in Christ?
  • Ask God to help you look forward to all the blessings to come.

Praise the Father that He blesses His people now and forever. Give thanks for Jesus Christ in whom we are blessed with every spiritual blessing. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others reject the pleasures of this world and rejoice in the blessings of Christ.
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