Ephesians Day 5

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

Ephesians 1:4

Did you ever have that schoolyard moment when you got picked for a sports team? Maybe you were really good and you expected to get chosen. Maybe you were that kid who was always picked last. Maybe someone chose you and you have no idea why.

Why did God choose you? Was it your good looks? Was it how smart you are? Maybe it’s how kind or loving you can be? Maybe it’s because you did that one good thing that time.

We wrestle with the idea of predestination/election and I get it, it’s a really strange concept to Western thinkers. But one thing this verse in Ephesians helpfully shows, is that it’s not about why we were chosen, but what we were chosen for.

We have been chosen for a special purpose. To reflect the holiness of God in the world. To bring Him glory as we show glimmers of the light He has in Himself.

Now this has two parts to it. What we call positional holiness - in Christ we are covered by His holiness and therefore we can be called holy. But also progressive holiness - that is, we are becoming more like what we are/should be. God is changing us to be more holy as we cooperate with Him.

So how are you going with that? We have the greatest privilege in the world - to be called God’s people and enjoy everything that comes with that. But also the greatest responsibility. Are you reflecting God’s holiness?

For Today:
  • Do you wrestle with election/predestination? Why?
  • Do you see that you are holy in God’s sight?
  • How could you reflect God’s holiness today? What does that look like?

Praise the Father that He is holy, holy, holy. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who shows us and gives us the holiness of God. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others be more holy today.
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