Ephesians Day 8

In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

Ephesians 1:5-6

I love free stuff. Free food tastings at the market. Free books. Winning a free holiday (never experienced this one but I love the idea of it). Why do companies do this? Well - so one way of looking at it - so that you will become loyal to their brand/service right?

Paul reminds us in the Ephesians that we have received the greatest free gift - salvation, redemption, adoption & every spiritual blessing by God’s grace. We get to know God. We get to enjoy Him and His creation for eternity. For free. 

But this grace was costly. Jesus paid the price. The cost of our grace was borne by the God who gave it to us. So that for us, it would be free. 

You were bought with a price. It was the life and death of Christ. It was the humiliation and suffering of the perfect Son of God. Never has there been a higher cost paid. Never has there been something so valuable given.

But this helps us understand the relationship between grace and works. We don’t need to work for our salvation. We just need to trust in Jesus’ work. But this salvation is a free gift so generous that it demands a response of undying loyalty. 

For Today:
  • Do you love free stuff?
  • Are you tempted to work for your salvation?
  • What does it look like for you to respond to God’s costly grace today?

Praise the Father that He gives grace freely. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who paid the price for our grace. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others respond to God’s grace faithfully.
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