Ephesians Day 14

15 For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

Ephesians 1:15-16

What do you give thanks for? It’s a powerful question that offers a window into our hearts and minds. If you are anything like me - chances are you give thanks for stuff that really benefits you. A safe country. Food. A house to live in. Good people around you. Stuff like that. Is that you?

Now, it’s not wrong to give thanks for these things. We should give thanks for everything we receive - because everything we receive has come from God.

However, if that is all we give thanks for. Or even what we give thanks for most - I think we are missing something about God and the gospel.

Paul reminds us of this in our passage today. What is he giving thanks for? Well, firstly, it’s for others and what they have received from God. Do you thank God for what He gives to others? When it doesn’t directly affect you?

Secondly, it isn’t ‘stuff’ they have received. Paul doesn’t give thanks that God has given them a nice home to live in or food to eat that week. He gives thanks for their faith in Christ and love for people. You could almost say that He gives thanks that they are grounded in Christ (faith) and living in community (love)!

Why does Paul give thanks for these things? Well, because His view of life is so deeply shaped by God and the gospel. These things are what Christ died for. These things are what Jesus sent the Spirit for. So that we could have faith in Him and love people. Paul is giving us a picture of the gospel-hearted-mindedness that we should strive for.

But what if you just aren’t feeling it? What if you aren’t really thankful for these things? Or for what God is doing in others? Well, there are two ways to turn a ship around. One, you can wait and hope that the wind/water does it for you. Or two, you can fire up the engine and steer.

My suggestion is that you do both. Ask God to change your heart & mind. But don’t just sit there waiting. Cooperate with Him and just start giving thanks for what God is doing in others, for faith, for love, for joy, even if your feelings don’t quite match your words yet.

I’m trusting God that this is exactly the sort of prayer and action that He delights in getting behind.

For Today:
  • What do you give thanks for most?
  • What is one thing you should give thanks for today?
  • What are you going to do to align your thinking with the gospel?

Praise the Father that He hears our prayers and is at work through them. Give thanks for Jesus who made a way for us to have faith and love. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you genuinely give thanks for His work in others.
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