Ephesians Day 16

18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,

Ephesians 1:18

This is a funny verse. At first glance I want to write about the new creation. The rich inheritance that we look forward to receiving as His holy people. But notice, that’s not actually what Paul says. What does he say?

He wants the eyes of our heart to be enlightened. He wants us to see more clearly. The hope to which we have been called. Which is… the riches of His glorious inheritance. Ok. In His holy people. Ok wait a second. Not for His holy people. IN his holy people. What does that mean?

Well firstly. Whose inheritance is Paul talking about here? We naturally assume that it’s ours. But what if that’s not what Paul is talking about. In fact, if you read on to the end of the chapter and if you take in what Paul is saying across the rest of Ephesians. It’s not our inheritance he is talking about in the first instance, it’s Christ’s.

This accords with Deuteronomy 32:9, “for the Lord’s portion is his people”. God’s gathered people, Jew & Gentile, are Christ’s inheritance. 

I’ll keep going with this tomorrow I think. But to finish today. Let’s just marvel at this. Paul’s prayer is that we would see this hope more clearly. That we would see how good this is. Let’s see one thing today.

Brothers and sisters. Hebrews 12:2 says that for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross. Jesus' great joy was that He would inherit us and that includes you! He doesn’t care about houses and land, cars and cash. Jesus' great joy was that He would inherit us and that includes you!

That’s something I need to see more clearly.

For Today:
  • What is one thing you have inherited?
  • What is something you are hoping for at the moment?
  • What do you see is wonderful about being Christ’s inheritance?

Praise the Father for the rightful inheritance He has given His Son. Give thanks for Jesus who is our good King. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others see the hope we have as Christ’s people.
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