Ephesians Day 21

22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Ephesians 1:22-23

How big is your Jesus?

There are many in our world who consider us to be a fringe group. And in Australia, a dying one at that. Is that how you see Jesus? A King, fading to the sidelines. His glory years behind Him and now doomed to obscurity.

Maybe like some today, you prefer to see Jesus as a private God. He isn’t the God of the universe who rules over a Kingdom. He’s just your own little private God. You have a relationship with Him. You love Him. He makes you feel better. He speaks to you. But just in your own little private way.

Paul in Ephesians wants to remind us of something. Jesus is everything in everything. That’s the sense of this last verse. What does it mean?

It means there is no corner of the universe. No galaxy or star system. No planet. That is not the rightful territory of Jesus Christ. He rules over everything. He is not on the fringes. You can’t push Him there. Might as well try and contain the sun. You can’t limit someone who fills everything in every way.

It means that He isn’t just a private God. This is the place of idols. Of false gods who have no power and just exist to make you feel better or serve your personal needs. That’s not Jesus. He is the God who is everyone’s King, whether they realise it or not.

Christian, this is your God. He is bigger than you can imagine. He is in everything. He is the one who made the stars. Empires and Kingdoms rise and fall at His will. There is no person who will escape His judgement. There is no promise that won’t be fulfilled.

For Today:
  • Do you have too small a view of Jesus?
  • What are some ways that people try to make Jesus seem smaller?
  • How does this encourage/help you today as you live for Jesus?

Praise the Father who is God of all things eternally. Give thanks for Jesus Christ, the fullness of everything. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others see Jesus bigger and give Him the praise and honour He deserves.
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