Wisdom Wednesday

Is not wisdom found among the aged?
Does not long life bring understanding?

Job 12:12

One of the great signs that a civilisation has lost the plot - is when it starts to ignore older people’s wisdom. Have you noticed this? There’s been a shift in where wisdom can be found. It’s not in old people but in the young. Think of Greta Thunberg.

Or maybe it’s not about old/young. It’s about profile. Isn’t it crazy that we care about the political views/wisdom of celebrities? I mean what do they really know? How to act (some of them). Are you guilty of this sometimes? Listening to people just because they are popular or controversial?

Here’s the point. Are we listening to the right people? Which is of course at the heart of the book of Job. In his hardest moments, Job has people giving him wisdom. But ultimately, it is only God who is able to give him true wisdom.

Age is helpful. But even grey hairs aren’t a guarantee of wisdom. Young, old, high profile or unknown, only a closeness to God and His Word gives us confidence in wisdom.

For Today:
  • Who is an older believer you gain wisdom from?
  • How could you seek out wisdom from someone more mature?
  • How could you grow in wisdom and be in a place to share it?

Praise the Father that He is the eternal God and the source of all wisdom. Give thanks for Christ - that He teaches us perfect wisdom. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and others to wise people and to grow you in wisdom.
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