
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 15:5-6

From before we even planted Village Church, Romans 15:5-6 has been my prayer. One of my experiences of Church has been division. No, not at Village (so far). But before then.

From age 18-28, I experienced three ‘Church Splits’ as they are sometimes called. Divisions over leadership, theology or just sin. It hasn’t phased me as much as many others. But it still leaves a lasting impression.

It’s so sad. It’s like a body fighting against itself. Arms trying to pull in one direction. Legs in the other. At the same time it’s like a virus that just eats away at the strength of the Church.

That’s why this is my prayer for Village Church. That God would help me to be a leader that doesn’t cause division and that we would be a people who work hard at having the same attitude and working toward one mind and voice. Because in our unity, God is glorified.

For Today:
  • Have you experienced a Church split or significant disunity?
  • How do you respond to disagreements in Church?
  • Pray this prayer for Village Church/your Church today.

Praise the Father that He is not divided. Give thanks for Jesus who speaks with the mind and voice of God. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others pursue unity in the Church.
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