Wisdom Wednesday

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

One of the greatest lies that our culture ever told was that a godly existence = condemned to a boring vanilla life. To think that you might only ever have sex with one person or no person. Or that you wouldn’t enjoy the pleasures of drug experimentation. Or that you might limit your pleasures because you choose to be generous with your money.

I think that’s the biggest mindshift. Not just what you miss out on. But what you embrace. A life of sacrifice. Serving others. Giving up Sundays for God’s sake and so on. Point being. To submit to God in the world's eyes is to shipwreck your life and try to live in the ruins. That’s the wisdom of the world.

But this is the worst fake news. It’s baseless and a lie. Instead, as the author of this Proverb reminds us - actually, when we trust in God’s wisdom and submit to Him - He makes our paths straight. That is - we actually live a better life.

There’s a part of you that still doesn’t believe me/the Proverb. I get that. But see it two ways. Don’t be fooled by instagram and friends. People aren’t enjoying sinful lives as much as they say they are. Oh - they have great moments of pleasure. But the consequences of their sins are costly.

Secondly, have a bigger picture of what we mean by a great life. Eternal life is THE key component of a good life. Maybe your life is harder now than the unbeliever. Less pleasurable perhaps. But that won’t always be the case. And in fact, always is a word in your favour because for those who trust in Him - God makes their paths straight forever.

For Today:
  • Do you believe submitting to God leads to a better life?
  • How are you being tempted by the world’s wisdom today?
  • How could you be reminded of the wisdom of trusting God?

Praise the Father that He blesses those who trust in Him. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who trusted in the Father against the world and the devil. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others submit to God’s wisdom.
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