
As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another

Proverbs 27:17

Well, here’s a Proverb we can all get behind right. Sounds good. I wonder though, if this is one of those Proverbs that we love in principle but hate in practice.

A few things about iron sharpening iron. It can be loud. Uncomfortable. Sparks can fly. The reality of conflict has led to many just avoiding it. Either because they don’t want the drama. Or sometimes because they don’t want to have to change. To be true to the analogy - they are happy being a dull knife.

This seems to be more true lately. People won’t engage in discussion. They simply stick to their echo chambers. But instead of sharpening, this makes you rusty and dull.

But Christians. Let us not be like this. And not on a Sunday. Instead, let’s pursue loving, wise discussion and conversation. Let’s challenge each other in our thinking and in how we live. Let’s be sharpened.

Importantly, where does Christian sharpening come from first and foremost. It comes from the lodestone of the Word of God, applied to our lives. That is how we sharpen one another best. And as we do - our sparks can be a light to a world gone dull.

For Today:
  • How do you go, listening to different opinions or people giving you feedback?
  • What do you find hard about it? How could you grow?
  • Do you sharpen others by encouraging them with the Scriptures?

Praise the Father that He gave us each other to sharpen us toward godliness. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who is our ultimate sharpening stone. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help us welcome discussions that grow us and sharpen us.
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