Wisdom Wednesday

The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Proverbs 12:18

I just finished reading a long article about ‘cancel culture’. Did the proverbs writer foresee twitter, facebook or reddit when he prophetically spoke these words? No. But, he didn’t need to. Sin has always found words a particularly effective way of causing pain. Social media has just exponentially expanded the potential for damage due to anonymity.

But rather than lament ‘outrage’ or ‘cancel culture’, we should consider how believers in Jesus can bring healing. How can we use words to bring peace rather than more conflict? Well, this again is tricky. Because we might be tempted to think the answer is giving in to the desires of the loudest voice.

This wouldn’t be healing. There might be less conflict. But infected thinking would be allowed to fester. Instead, the Christians words should be like kids medicine. That is - tasty healing.

We need to be willing to wisely speak the truth that comes from God and the Scriptures. That’s the medicine. But we need to deliver it in such a way that reflects its goodness. We should be slow to speak. Listeners first. Calm and considerate. And when we do speak, we speak compassionately rather than judgmentally. 

This isn’t easy. But it’s a great opportunity to show the difference that Jesus makes in the life of His people.

For Today:
  • When have you spoken reckless words? 
  • When have you spoken healing words?
  • Is there a situation that comes to mind where you could bring healing?

Praise the Father that He gives us truth and compassion. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who is our greatest medicine. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others speak words of healing.
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