For the Poor

Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19:10

It’s really hard to convey how radical Leviticus 19:10 is. In the Ancient world poverty was an astronomical reality. Some historians suggest that up to 90% of people lived just above or below what we would call a subsistence level. That is - just enough food to survive but not much more.

There were a lot of people who needed help in the Ancient World. But not a lot of help was to be found. There was no welfare system and in fact no cultural drive to care for the poor at all.

Families of course might provide some structure for support. Begging was also a common feature. Some Ancient societies gave alms as a form of worship of one of their gods. But always transactionally. That is - to get something back in return.

But here we have one of many passages in the Bible that explicitly commands God’s people to care for the poor. Not to get something in return. But as an aspect of their purpose for being God’s people on earth. Simply because, as God says, I am the LORD your God.

It’s an important reminder. That God cares about the poor. And that so should His people.

For Today:

  • What experiences have you had of caring for the poor?
  • What does caring for the poor look like for you?
  • Why do you care for the poor?

Praise the Father that He is a kind and compassionate God. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who offers salvation to the oppressed. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others care for the poor.
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