Wisdom Wednesday

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but whoever hates correction is stupid.

Proverbs 12:1

I wasn’t disciplined much as a kid. It was the 80’s. Which came after the 60’s & 70’s (profound hey). But what that meant was my parents brought a hippy flavour into their parenting. The kid will find his own way. Well, I nearly didn’t.

Because I suffered/suffer from a dangerous flaw. I thought I knew it all. I didn’t need anyone to show me what to do or how to live. When discipline did come, either at home or school, I disregarded it. What do they know?

I don’t think I actually became an adult until I was around 25 and most of that was down to stupid pride. I was foolish and everyone around thought I was. But through Christ, I came to realise that I was not God’s gift to humanity.

Over the years, I still struggle/fear being corrected. There’s still pride deep down. But now I know that feeling for what it is. Foolish. Stupid. But thankfully, God’s gift has been to correct me in this. There is so much to learn from Him and from others.

What about you?

For Today:
  • Did you grow up in a strict household or one with no discipline?
  • Do you struggle with pride or stubbornness?
  • What do you need to be corrected in today?

Praise the Father that He disciplines us like children that He loves. Give thanks for Christ who showed us an example of perfect humility. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others grow in knowledge as you listen to the discipline and correction of God and others.
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