Advent - Day 15

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:6-8
Full Readings: Psalm 62, Romans 5:6–8

I want you to imagine something with me. Picture someone who has been mean to you. In fact, picture the person you would say has been the meanest. Someone who you just wouldn’t want to run into again. And it wasn’t just you. They just weren’t a good person to anyone really.

And you’ve just heard that they need help. They were sick and needed people of your blood-type to give blood. What would you do?

The remarkable thing about Christ’s birth is that He came to save sinners.

He came to save people who had rejected His Father. Who committed evil every day. Who weren’t even really asking to be saved. Most of whom because they were so far gone that they didn’t even believe they were sinners.

Jesus came to save His enemies. To die for His enemies. He came to give His blood for the sake of those who rejected Him and murdered Him.

Let’s give thanks for that today and let’s love people, even those who are hard to love, even our enemies.

For Today:
  • Do you see the depths of your own sin?
  • Give thanks to Jesus for coming to die for you.
  • How could you love someone today?
  • Praise the Father that He is merciful to His enemies. 
  • Give thanks for Jesus Christ who came to save sinners. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help us love others.
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