Psalm 145:8

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
Psalm 145:8

If you had to summarise your Christmas experience in one or two words, what would it be? ‘Joyful celebration’, ‘good food’, ‘family fun’ or something like that? For me, it might be (if I was to be very truthful), ‘short fuse’ or ‘abounding in frustration’. After a long year, watching family come together only to fight. Or my very lucky kids squabble over presents instead of being thankful. It doesn’t take much for the anger to build.

Christmas is about a God, showing grace to a people who have abused His gifts, squabbled over His provision, treated His goodness like kids given a bon-bon. Not just once a year, but all year, every year.

Our sin is the greatest affront to the good God. But He is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. Jesus shows us that. In His life and death, He is the evidence of God’s kindness to humans. Look to God today in thanks and praise for who He is.

  • Praise the Father for His abundant provision and patience. 
  • Give thanks to the Son for the compassion shown to you. 
  • Ask God’s Holy Spirit to show His grace to many more people.
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