Psalm 145:9

The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.
All your works praise you, Lord; your faithful people extol you.
Psalm 145:9

Happy new year everyone. Another year gone. What a year. Just take a moment to think about your year. How would you describe it in one word? What do you want to remember? What would you prefer to forget? Every year is different. But one thing remains the same. God deserved praise for every single day you drew breath.

Can I encourage you to reflect today. 
To reflect on the year that has gone. 
Reflect on your sins, every one of those 365 days we have sinned against the Holy God and yet each day, His mercy is renewed in Jesus Christ. 
Reflect on God’s goodness, His compassion.
That He continues to sustain our world by His power and will, giving people an opportunity to find salvation. 

  • Praise God for His grace over this past year. 
  • Praise God for His mercy and generosity in giving us life, salvation and hope. 
  • Ask God to help you honour Him the way He deserves this year coming.
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