But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:33-34
Hi all. Starting tomorrow we will return to our regular programming.
Memorisation Monday
Topical Tuesdays and Saturdays
Wisdom Wednesday
Theology Thursday
Thank God It’s Friday and
Save Our Sundays
I hope that 2024 is a year where you continue to joyfully grow in your love and knowledge of Jesus and I encourage you to take advantage of the Village Daily Blog to help that process along.
Why don’t you pray with me that it would.
Matthew 6:33-34
Hi all. Starting tomorrow we will return to our regular programming.
Memorisation Monday
Topical Tuesdays and Saturdays
Wisdom Wednesday
Theology Thursday
Thank God It’s Friday and
Save Our Sundays
I hope that 2024 is a year where you continue to joyfully grow in your love and knowledge of Jesus and I encourage you to take advantage of the Village Daily Blog to help that process along.
Why don’t you pray with me that it would.
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