Wisdom Wednesday

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.

James 5:7-8

If patience was a coin, it would certainly be one of the rarest and most valuable. For those of us eager to invest, James thinks we can learn from the farmer. What is it about crops compared to other things we might produce?

It’s that crops grow and ripen in their own good time. It’s that the seasons and the weather are out of your control. The micro-managing, controlling farmer is in for a tough time.

Patience is often about control. In all things we desire control. Yet there is a reality we need to face. When it comes to the big things. Whether it be the Lord’s coming, sickness, interest rates or death, we are often shown how little control we really have. 

So what are we left with? Well, we are left with options. We can spend energy thrashing against reality, growing anxious and frustrated. Or we can focus on what we can control. Ourselves. That’s why it’s called self-control.

Life will throw at us many things. But we are to be the resolute farmer. We work hard. Sowing seeds, tilling the soil and removing the weeds. And we pray for rain, patiently trusting in the Lord for all things.

For Today:
  • How are you going with patience?
  • What’s one situation that is outside of your control right now?
  • Ask God for patience.

  • Praise the Father who is patient with sinners.
  • Give thanks for Jesus who will return in the Father’s timing.
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others grow in patience.
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