Genesis - Day 1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
For the next two weeks we are going to spend some time in Genesis.
For a number of years, I taught High School Scripture. One of the inevitable questions the kids would ask is, “who created God”? In this stunningly simple verse of the Bible, we receive the most complex of answers to that question. The answer of course is, no one. In the beginning, God.
Before creation, there was God. We know through His unfolding revelation that God is Trinity, Father, Son & Holy Spirit. One God, three persons, all working together to create (see Colossians 1:16). He is eternal and even created time itself.
Genesis 1:1, as well as providing the answer to that cliché Scripture question, reminds us that His eternality (spell-check tells me I can get away with this word) that our hope in Him is not misplaced. For surely, the God who created time, who is outside time, who made all things is able to deliver on His promise to make all things new.
For Today:
Genesis 1:1
For the next two weeks we are going to spend some time in Genesis.
For a number of years, I taught High School Scripture. One of the inevitable questions the kids would ask is, “who created God”? In this stunningly simple verse of the Bible, we receive the most complex of answers to that question. The answer of course is, no one. In the beginning, God.
Before creation, there was God. We know through His unfolding revelation that God is Trinity, Father, Son & Holy Spirit. One God, three persons, all working together to create (see Colossians 1:16). He is eternal and even created time itself.
Genesis 1:1, as well as providing the answer to that cliché Scripture question, reminds us that His eternality (spell-check tells me I can get away with this word) that our hope in Him is not misplaced. For surely, the God who created time, who is outside time, who made all things is able to deliver on His promise to make all things new.
For Today:
- Have you read Genesis before?
- What questions do you have about creation? Send them in to Living Grounded!
- Do you believe God is the eternal creator of the universe?
- Praise the Father that He is eternal God.
- Give thanks for Christ through whom all things were created.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others to see the eternal nature of God and trust in Him to make all things new.
Posted in Genesis
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