Wisdom Wednesday

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws.
I have suffered much; preserve my life, Lord, according to your word.
Accept, Lord, the willing praise of my mouth, and teach me your laws.

Psalm 119:105-109

How did people ever do camping without head-torches? Whether it’s going for a bush-toilet or finding some firewood. Without light, in the darkness, you are asking for a broken bone or a bruised body. So it is in life.

That the world is a dark place, fraught with danger, seems almost unnecessary to defend. The question for our time is, where will the light to guide us come from? How do we make good decisions in a dark world? Some will hope the light of the stars can guide them. Celebrities and guru’s who seem to have it all together (at least according to their instagram). 

Others will seek to use their ‘inner light’ to guide them - the conscience innate to all human beings. But how is that going for people? When people say their gut tells them God’s people are evil and sexual promiscuity is good… Seems to me like people’s inner light looks a bit more like the darkness outside.

Ultimately, there is only one light to guide us. It is the lamp that is the very Words of God. He can see clearly in the darkness. His inner light never goes out nor is it ever like the darkness. He knows the right way and the wrong way. The question is… will we trust Him and follow?

For Today:
  • Do you believe God’s Word offers the right path in life?
  • How do you make good decisions? How do you find out what God says?
  • What big/small decision do you need to make today?

  • Praise God, the Father that He is good, love and light. 
  • Give thanks for Christ, that His Word is a lamp unto our feet and is helpful for guiding us in a dark world. 
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