Wisdom Wednesday

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

1 John 3:18

Politicians have probably always been a bit on the nose. But it certainly feels that trust is low at the moment. What is it about them? Part of the problem is that seemingly ‘loving’ words are rarely followed by actions.

John’s wise encouragement to his ‘children’ or younger followers of Jesus (John is probably in his late 80’s at this point) is to love with actions and in truth. By ‘in truth’ I wonder if he means genuinely from a desire to love rather than for the sake of getting something in return. So, what does that look like? 

Here are a few thoughts:
  • If you say you will pray for something/someone - do it immediately or set an alarm for a time when you are able.
  • When you hear of a close brother/sister in sin or suffering - give them a phone call.
  • Ask God to help you grow in compassion and love for others
  • Give some money away to church, a missionary/organisation or a charity that you support.
  • Help someone in need in a way that receives no recognition (e.g. chuck a Woolies gift card under their door).
  • Do a job around the house you know someone hates doing (don’t offer, just go and do it).

How could you love people in truth and action today or this week?

For Today:
  • When is one time recently you have failed to love with action?
  • When is one time recently you have loved with action?
  • Do one of the above today or this week.

  • Praise the Father that He is love and that He loves with word and action. 
  • Give thanks for Jesus who, in love, performed the greatest act of love for His people. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others love people in word and action.
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