Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.

Romans 10:4

It’s hard to imagine being an Old Covenant Israelite. To keep the law of God/Moses is almost inconceivable to us. The first thing that comes to mind is trivial. No bacon! But then there’s the other stuff. The unclean/clean rules that meant separating yourself for periods of time (particularly difficult for women).

But the problem with the Old Covenant law wasn’t that it was technically hard to keep (no harder than any of our laws today). It’s that we didn’t want to keep it. As Paul says earlier in Romans, our sinfulness causes us to hear God’s law and desire to break it.

But this is why I’m thankful to Jesus today. If receiving eternal life was based on my keeping of the law. I’d be stuffed. But Jesus is the culmination of the law in that He kept it perfectly and ended my need to keep it.

Now, in Christ, all believers receive the blessing of the keeping of the law (eternal life with God in His Kingdom). That’s something to be thankful for.

For Today:
  • Can you think of an Old Covenant law that would have been hard to keep?
  • What command of Christ are you struggling to keep today?
  • Give thanks for Christ’s perfect obedience.

  • Praise the Father for His grace to us in sending Jesus. 
  • Give thanks for Christ who follows the law perfectly and receives the promised blessings. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others keep trusting in Jesus and following Him.

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