Wisdom Wednesday

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:17-19
The next few years promises to be a complicated one when it comes to money. I’m no economist but it does seem most likely that the rise in the cost of living combined with increasing interest rates will cause some real trouble for many people. The tone in the media is fearful and generally alarmist.
Put it this way. If you have put your hope in wealth. Then you may be in trouble over the coming years. Because as Paul says, the hope that wealth brings is uncertain.
Paul reminds us that as Christians and for many of us, as wealthy Christians, this is something we are not to do. For we have something so much better. A certain hope won for us by Jesus. In a new creation where there will be no inflation. No house prices or cost of living pressures. It’s a certain hope of certainty.
And we can invest in that future now. By being rich in good deeds, through being generous with what God has given us and willing to share. Paul says, when we do this we lay up treasure in the coming age.
How does this work? Well, you may have heard my thoughts on this before. I reckon we will get more joy in the new creation based on our actions here on earth. So, more generous on earth, more joy. How does that work? No idea! Looking forward to finding out with you.
For Today:
1 Timothy 6:17-19
The next few years promises to be a complicated one when it comes to money. I’m no economist but it does seem most likely that the rise in the cost of living combined with increasing interest rates will cause some real trouble for many people. The tone in the media is fearful and generally alarmist.
Put it this way. If you have put your hope in wealth. Then you may be in trouble over the coming years. Because as Paul says, the hope that wealth brings is uncertain.
Paul reminds us that as Christians and for many of us, as wealthy Christians, this is something we are not to do. For we have something so much better. A certain hope won for us by Jesus. In a new creation where there will be no inflation. No house prices or cost of living pressures. It’s a certain hope of certainty.
And we can invest in that future now. By being rich in good deeds, through being generous with what God has given us and willing to share. Paul says, when we do this we lay up treasure in the coming age.
How does this work? Well, you may have heard my thoughts on this before. I reckon we will get more joy in the new creation based on our actions here on earth. So, more generous on earth, more joy. How does that work? No idea! Looking forward to finding out with you.
For Today:
- In what ways do you put your hope in wealth?
- How are you currently being generous or sharing with others?
- How could you lay up treasures in heaven this week?
- Praise the Father for His generosity in His grace to us.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who shared His life with us.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others put no hope in uncertain wealth and to be generous with what God has given us.
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