
Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.
1 Timothy 4:13-14
What is the primary job of the pastor? What is the thing above all else they should devote themselves to? I wonder what some would say? Would they say, feeding the poor? Or making house visits? Would they say they should devote themselves to prayer? Paul says to Timothy, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.
I believe Paul says this, because of what he thinks preaching/teaching is. We see it in verse 14. People often misunderstand verse 14 thinking that it refers to a ‘gift of public speaking’ just like someone might have the gift of administration. But what Paul means here is that Timothy has been given the gift of the authority to preach the Scriptures and the teachings of the Apostles/Elders.
Timothy has been ‘ordained’ by the elders with the authority to ‘pass on’ their teachings in the Scriptures. He is authorised to preach and teach the truth about Jesus. Therefore, he shouldn’t neglect it but devote himself to this good work.
Almost two thousand years later this remains the primary job of the pastor and should remain the focus of the Sunday Gathering. Only in the Scriptures (in their reading/preaching/teaching) do we receive the Word of God authoritatively.
And only the Word of God can equip us for good works and righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Only the Word of God can save unbelievers (Romans 10:14-17). Only the Word of God can build us up and strengthen us as believers (Ephesians 4:11-13).
So. Pray for me, that I would continue to devote myself to the reading/preaching/teaching of the Scriptures. Pray that we would continue to value this primary work of the pastor and pray that God would work in us all to be grown by His Word.
For Today:
1 Timothy 4:13-14
What is the primary job of the pastor? What is the thing above all else they should devote themselves to? I wonder what some would say? Would they say, feeding the poor? Or making house visits? Would they say they should devote themselves to prayer? Paul says to Timothy, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.
I believe Paul says this, because of what he thinks preaching/teaching is. We see it in verse 14. People often misunderstand verse 14 thinking that it refers to a ‘gift of public speaking’ just like someone might have the gift of administration. But what Paul means here is that Timothy has been given the gift of the authority to preach the Scriptures and the teachings of the Apostles/Elders.
Timothy has been ‘ordained’ by the elders with the authority to ‘pass on’ their teachings in the Scriptures. He is authorised to preach and teach the truth about Jesus. Therefore, he shouldn’t neglect it but devote himself to this good work.
Almost two thousand years later this remains the primary job of the pastor and should remain the focus of the Sunday Gathering. Only in the Scriptures (in their reading/preaching/teaching) do we receive the Word of God authoritatively.
And only the Word of God can equip us for good works and righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Only the Word of God can save unbelievers (Romans 10:14-17). Only the Word of God can build us up and strengthen us as believers (Ephesians 4:11-13).
So. Pray for me, that I would continue to devote myself to the reading/preaching/teaching of the Scriptures. Pray that we would continue to value this primary work of the pastor and pray that God would work in us all to be grown by His Word.
For Today:
- What do you think is the most important part of our Sunday Gathering?
- Can you think of a time where you have been shaped/change by someone preaching God’s Word?
- Pray for me (Tim) and anyone else you know who preaches/teaches
- Praise the Father that He reveals Himself and His plan to us in the Scriptures.
- Give thanks for Christ who is the Word of God and through Him we can be wise to salvation.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help your pastors preach and teach and you to listen well.
Posted in Save Our Sundays
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