Wisdom Wednesday

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Matthew 7:24-25

A house built on the beach (literally that is) sounds like a nice idea if there were no such thing as tides and storms. One thing we can guarantee in life is tides and storms. The loss of loved ones. Physical health issues. Perhaps mental health issues. Toxic workplaces or unemployment.

But one thing I am convinced of is that the mature Christian, whose life is grounded in Christ. Whose hope is in the resurrection and the new creation. Whose trust is in the ultimate goodness of God. Who lives not for their own pleasure and satisfaction but is content living for His. This wise person will remain standing where others will break or collapse.

Why? Well because of what we have in Jesus as our foundation. 

In Jesus we have truth - we know why hard times come. They are the result of sin even as they are also the means for our becoming more like Him. In Jesus we have hope - we know that ultimately the storms will recede forever and that in the new creation there will be no more suffering. And finally, in Jesus we have love. Whatever we know we are loved and have the deepest love of our Savior who died to rescue us.

Is building your life on Christ a guarantee of a good life? Not in every sense. Faithful Christians may get dementia, suffer from depression or grief. But even in these things we suffer in hope. That we will remain standing at the final storm of God’s judgement and enjoy the neverending sunshine that comes after.

So be wise today. Build your life on Christ.

For Today:
  • Who is one person you see who has built their life on Christ?
  • Is there any part of your life that seems built on shifting sand?
  • What do you need to reflect on in Jesus? Truth, hope or love?

  • Praise the Father whose love stands firm for His people.
  • Give thanks for Jesus who rescues us from the ultimate storm of life.
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others build your life on Jesus.
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