God Grows

Now Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died, 7 but the Israelites were exceedingly fruitful; they multiplied greatly, increased in numbers and became so numerous that the land was filled with them.
Exodus 1:6-7
Have you ever seen something grow? There’s something just so wonderful and encouraging about things growing (things that should grow that is). We have a little aquarium going and our fish had babies. We’ve been watching them grow for the past few weeks and it’s been awesome.
The past few years have been one of the most encouraging times of my life. Watching Village Church grow and the people God has brought to us grow in their faith is a deep joy.
So it must have been for those early Israelites. From 12 brothers to thousands and potentially even a few million people by the Exodus. What a thing! Now, we don’t necessarily get excited about that - it’s not our joy for one but also we don’t see population growth as a great thing.
But think of it another way. If you have ever been to or you know someone who goes to a Church with no young people. They are often really saddened by this. More people usually equals vibrancy. Again, God-given growth is exciting.
But this is what God does. When He blesses, He multiplies. Now, I want to be careful. There may be times when God’s blessing doesn’t look like this. Sometimes God prunes in order to bless. But I think on the whole, even God’s pruning is in order for better growth in the future.
This is God’s modus operandi - it’s to grow His people. In number. And through Christ and the Holy Spirit - in their love and knowledge of Him. And it’s wonderful. Because it means that wherever we are now, with God we can become more.
For Today:
Exodus 1:6-7
Have you ever seen something grow? There’s something just so wonderful and encouraging about things growing (things that should grow that is). We have a little aquarium going and our fish had babies. We’ve been watching them grow for the past few weeks and it’s been awesome.
The past few years have been one of the most encouraging times of my life. Watching Village Church grow and the people God has brought to us grow in their faith is a deep joy.
So it must have been for those early Israelites. From 12 brothers to thousands and potentially even a few million people by the Exodus. What a thing! Now, we don’t necessarily get excited about that - it’s not our joy for one but also we don’t see population growth as a great thing.
But think of it another way. If you have ever been to or you know someone who goes to a Church with no young people. They are often really saddened by this. More people usually equals vibrancy. Again, God-given growth is exciting.
But this is what God does. When He blesses, He multiplies. Now, I want to be careful. There may be times when God’s blessing doesn’t look like this. Sometimes God prunes in order to bless. But I think on the whole, even God’s pruning is in order for better growth in the future.
This is God’s modus operandi - it’s to grow His people. In number. And through Christ and the Holy Spirit - in their love and knowledge of Him. And it’s wonderful. Because it means that wherever we are now, with God we can become more.
For Today:
- How have you seen God grow His people?
- How has God grown you?
- Reflect and be encouraged that God grows His people.
- Praise the Father that He is the God of life.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who died so that many might become the children of God.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others be encouraged by growth today.
Posted in Exodus
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