Wisdom Wednesday

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 16:18

I think most of my greatest mistakes in life can either be pinned to laziness or pride. Pride can look like many things, an unwillingness to listen, pursuit of self-glory or a refusal to admit wrong. I think this last one is a killer.

Is there anything more ugly than everyone knowing someone is wrong and yet they refuse to admit it? I’ve been that person too many times. It’s ugly. And it causes rifts in relationships, the loss of jobs and so much more.

Does your pride lead you to foolishness? To make decisions that cause you or others pain? When has this happened (my pride is making it hard to remember!)?

Where we need to be particularly careful is when our pride leads us to questioning God. Do we know better than God? Do we see things more clearly? Humility is at the heart of the Christian life because that is the most fitting posture before an almighty, creating, all-knowing God.

For Today:
  • Do you struggle with pride?
  • What is one ‘live’ situation that is in danger because of pride?
  • Practice humility today as you relate to God and people.

  • Praise the Father that He is patient with the proud and gracious to the haughty. 
  • Give thanks for Jesus who comes to open the eyes of prideful sinners and shows us true humility. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others humble themselves before God and people.
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