When all the Israelites saw the fire coming down and the glory of the Lord above the temple, they knelt on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave thanks to the Lord, saying, “He is good; his love endures forever.”
2 Chronicles 7:3
In the history of Israel every now and then God did something that showed people His glory. That would cause them to look on in wonder and respond with thanksgiving. A moment where God reveals His glory to His people. Here in 2 Chronicles, Solomon has just finished building His temple and now God has come down in fire to dwell with His people.
In the New Covenant, there’s another great moment. Or perhaps a 33 year series of moments. God comes down in the flesh. And from His birth, through His life and ultimately to His death on the cross and the great power of His resurrection, the glory of the Lord is revealed.
And it should be this event that is our source of wonder. I know we didn’t see it with our physical eyes. But with the help of the Spirit we grasp this reality with eyes of faith.
And this faith should cause us to worship in the form of thanksgiving. Because we are the most privileged people in the world. We have seen something greater than Israel ever did. Give thanks today that you can know and see His glory in Jesus.
For Today:
2 Chronicles 7:3
In the history of Israel every now and then God did something that showed people His glory. That would cause them to look on in wonder and respond with thanksgiving. A moment where God reveals His glory to His people. Here in 2 Chronicles, Solomon has just finished building His temple and now God has come down in fire to dwell with His people.
In the New Covenant, there’s another great moment. Or perhaps a 33 year series of moments. God comes down in the flesh. And from His birth, through His life and ultimately to His death on the cross and the great power of His resurrection, the glory of the Lord is revealed.
And it should be this event that is our source of wonder. I know we didn’t see it with our physical eyes. But with the help of the Spirit we grasp this reality with eyes of faith.
And this faith should cause us to worship in the form of thanksgiving. Because we are the most privileged people in the world. We have seen something greater than Israel ever did. Give thanks today that you can know and see His glory in Jesus.
For Today:
- Do you see God’s glory in Jesus Christ?
- Do you feel privileged to know God’s glory?
- Give thanks today for the privilege it is to know and ‘see’ God.
- Praise the Father that He is glorious and reveals His glory to His people.
- Give thanks for Jesus who showed us the glory of the Lord in His incarnation, life, death and resurrection.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others give thanks for the privilege of knowing Him.
Posted in Thank God It\'s Friday
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