Memorisation Monday

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light
Ephesians 5:8
Cool Runnings is an old favourite. There’s a bit where the Jamaican Bobsled team were trying to be just like the Swiss. And it wasn’t working. Sanka (dreadlocks), fed up with trying to be something they aren't, says, “I didn't come up here to forget who I am and where I come from.” It’s a great statement.
It’s similar to what Paul tells Christians. Remember who you are and where you come from. You were darkness - destined for hell. That’s where you come from. But now, you are light. That’s who you are. So live like the light.
Pray that you would today.
Ephesians 5:8
Cool Runnings is an old favourite. There’s a bit where the Jamaican Bobsled team were trying to be just like the Swiss. And it wasn’t working. Sanka (dreadlocks), fed up with trying to be something they aren't, says, “I didn't come up here to forget who I am and where I come from.” It’s a great statement.
It’s similar to what Paul tells Christians. Remember who you are and where you come from. You were darkness - destined for hell. That’s where you come from. But now, you are light. That’s who you are. So live like the light.
Pray that you would today.
- Say the passage out loud 10 times in a row.
- Say it once before you go to sleep.
- Say it once more when you wake up.
- Praise the Father that He is the God of light.
- Give thanks for Jesus who saves us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you live like the light.
Posted in Memorisation Monday
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