Wisdom Wednesday

Mockers stir up a city, but the wise turn away anger.

Proverbs 29:8

Are you a stirrer? Do you escalate arguments? Or are you cool as a cucumber? Sometimes it depends on the situation (and the people!) doesn’t it?

One thing I am continually encouraging my kids is to not escalate. Someone bites you (metaphorically speaking), you either respond calmly or you walk away until you can.

There’s a principle at play here. It’s that once things escalate, there is nothing constructive going on and that means we are no longer building up in love but probably tearing down. You’ve seen this right? Logic goes out the door. Love goes out the door. All there is is anger and foolishness.

But wise people avoid this situation and particularly, escalation. Because we want to love people and fear God - this is at the heart of wisdom. Because we love people, we want to engage with them lovingly. 

This doesn’t mean we can’t be emotional. We don’t need to be robots. But it does mean we practice self-control and express our feelings and thoughts in a way & situation where those thoughts/feelings are more likely to be received well.

For Today:
  • Is there a relationship or situation where you find it really hard not to escalate?
  • When have you remained calm and expressed yourself well?
  • Practise wise conversations this week

  • Praise the Father for His grace, that He never loses His temper with sinners. 
  • Give thanks for Christ who shows us how to express ourselves lovingly and for His forgiveness of our foolishness. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others be wise and loving in your conversations.
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