Be Prepared

That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast. 9 Do not eat the meat raw or boiled in water, but roast it over a fire—with the head, legs and internal organs. 10 Do not leave any of it till morning; if some is left till morning, you must burn it. 11 This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the Lord’s Passover.
Exodus 12:8-11
Do you ever read the Bible and say to yourself? Why does God ask Israel (and sometimes us) to do such weird things? Like why does it matter if the meat is boiled or water or roasted over a fire? Why do they need to have bitter herbs or bread made without yeast?
Important to remember that God knows humans pretty well. He knows the power of symbolism and the reality of human faithlessness. Let me show you what’s going on here.
Firstly, the bitter herbs. So much of what’s happening at the Passover is to serve as a reminder for future generations of the Exodus. The bitter herbs are to be taken during the Passover by Israel to remind a people who never experienced slavery of the awful situation that God rescued them out of.
This is similar to why we take communion. Jesus gives us a symbolic reminder of His death to help us remember what He has done for us. Not only to know the gospel, but to taste and see it.
What about the meat? Well, ordinarily Hebrews would most likely cook their meat in stews and soups (lasts longer and goes further). But this takes time. As does carving up the meat. But the point here is being prepared to move in haste. Roasting meat is fast.
Why haste? Well, this is what faith looked like for Israel. Being prepared. Trusting God that He would be faithful to His promises by being ready to go. Not waiting to see whether He would or He wouldn’t.
So it is with us today. We should live in gospel preparedness. Living as if Jesus might return tomorrow or the next day.
For Today:
Exodus 12:8-11
Do you ever read the Bible and say to yourself? Why does God ask Israel (and sometimes us) to do such weird things? Like why does it matter if the meat is boiled or water or roasted over a fire? Why do they need to have bitter herbs or bread made without yeast?
Important to remember that God knows humans pretty well. He knows the power of symbolism and the reality of human faithlessness. Let me show you what’s going on here.
Firstly, the bitter herbs. So much of what’s happening at the Passover is to serve as a reminder for future generations of the Exodus. The bitter herbs are to be taken during the Passover by Israel to remind a people who never experienced slavery of the awful situation that God rescued them out of.
This is similar to why we take communion. Jesus gives us a symbolic reminder of His death to help us remember what He has done for us. Not only to know the gospel, but to taste and see it.
What about the meat? Well, ordinarily Hebrews would most likely cook their meat in stews and soups (lasts longer and goes further). But this takes time. As does carving up the meat. But the point here is being prepared to move in haste. Roasting meat is fast.
Why haste? Well, this is what faith looked like for Israel. Being prepared. Trusting God that He would be faithful to His promises by being ready to go. Not waiting to see whether He would or He wouldn’t.
So it is with us today. We should live in gospel preparedness. Living as if Jesus might return tomorrow or the next day.
For Today:
- Have you found something that stumped you in Exodus or anywhere in the Bible?
- Ask a question on Living Grounded!
- Reflect on what it looks like to be prepared for your ultimate Exodus.
- Praise the Father who knows us.
- Give thanks for Christ who leads us into ultimate salvation.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others live in gospel preparedness.
Posted in Exodus
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