Wisdom Wednesday

Put your outdoor work in order
    and get your fields ready;
    after that, build your house.

Proverb 24:27

How do you go with priorities? Are you someone who gets distracted and caught up in less important work/activities? Or are you laser focused?

A big part of making godly decisions is about prioritising. One thing we can be sure of, there is always stuff. Stuff we want to do, stuff we need to do and stuff people tell us to do. But where do you start and what do you give the most energy to?

The Bible gives us some principles. Love God and love people right. These are our priorities. We can break this down further. Love God by prioritising growing in your love and knowledge of Him through the regular reading of the Scriptures, through prayer and through gathering with God’s people to hear His Word preached, sung and spoken. 

Love believers by encouraging them, speaking the truth in love and serving others. Love unbelievers by praying for the Spirit of God to change their hearts, by serving them with the speaking of the gospel and in other loving deeds.

There’s a good start.

For Today:
  • Take some time to write down your top priorities.
  • Reflect on how you are going at living according to your priorities.
  • What changes might you need to make?

  • Praise the Father that He is unchanging and works according to His priorities. 
  • Give thanks for Jesus who prioritised His people at the cost to Himself. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others make godly decisions that love God and love people.
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