
I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
Psalm 77:11-12
Do you ever spend time just remembering and reflecting? I’m hopeless at this. I feel caught up in the endless need to be stimulated. Or the need to be busy doing whatever is next.
But it really is a weakness of our culture. We rarely reflect. So few of us journal. We fill our time with noise, action, information and entertainment. We never stop to consider. This means we miss things.
We miss things like answers to prayer. Has God answered some of your prayers lately? Have you stopped to ask whether He has? Or opportunities to love others. Have you deliberately stopped to think how you could love someone else today?
On a Sunday, we have an opportunity to reflect. To consider. To remember what God has done. And to consider how we should respond.
As we come together today. Let’s reflect on God’s work in Jesus and amongst us and be reminded that He is always at work for the sake of the good of His people, making them to be more like Christ.
For Today:
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
Psalm 77:11-12
Do you ever spend time just remembering and reflecting? I’m hopeless at this. I feel caught up in the endless need to be stimulated. Or the need to be busy doing whatever is next.
But it really is a weakness of our culture. We rarely reflect. So few of us journal. We fill our time with noise, action, information and entertainment. We never stop to consider. This means we miss things.
We miss things like answers to prayer. Has God answered some of your prayers lately? Have you stopped to ask whether He has? Or opportunities to love others. Have you deliberately stopped to think how you could love someone else today?
On a Sunday, we have an opportunity to reflect. To consider. To remember what God has done. And to consider how we should respond.
As we come together today. Let’s reflect on God’s work in Jesus and amongst us and be reminded that He is always at work for the sake of the good of His people, making them to be more like Christ.
For Today:
- Do you journal or have a dedicated reflection time?
- Has God answered one of your prayers recently?
- How could you ‘build in’ more time for reflection?
- Praise the Father that He knows all things and remembers all things.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who was mindful of our needs and sufferings.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others remember God’s goodness to you in Christ and His many blessings.
Posted in Save Our Sundays
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