Wisdom Wednesday

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
I have taken an oath and confirmed it,
that I will follow your righteous laws.
Psalm 119:105-106
Over the next few Wednesdays, in keeping with our Wisdom Wednesday theme, I’m going to explore the idea of ‘Making Godly Decisions’. My experience is that many Christians desire to honour God with their lives but sometimes don’t know how.
Our first principle was - humbly trust God. Ok… what now?
Well, the question is how right? How do we trust God as we make decisions? What does it look like to trust God as we make decisions?
Sometimes this is relatively simple. I remember when I was invited to my good mates Bucks Party. He told me there was going to be an ‘adult strip show’ later in the night. Should I go?
I found this to be a relatively simple decision. I was tempted. But I knew what trusting God looked like because God’s pretty clear on this one. I told him I would hang out until the ‘entertainer’ arrived. I left early.
A lot of the time. We know the answer. We know what trusting God looks like. Because He has clearly told us in the Scriptures. The issue in these moments isn’t ignorance/knowledge - it’s the strength of our will.
Knowledge is only as good as our willingness to listen to God’s wisdom. So what do you do if you find yourself crumbling in the face of temptation? Well, I think the answer is to strengthen your will/resolve by remembering a few things.
Things like:
i) That God made you to live a holy life.
ii) That God has saved you from your sins by the inctredibly sacrifice of His Son.
iii) That God loves you and wants your best.
iv) That sin always harms us and often someone else.
v) That God hates sin and even little sins.
vi) That little sins often lead to worse sins.
vii) That resisting temptation is glorifying to God.
viii) That God is with you.
For Today:
a light on my path.
I have taken an oath and confirmed it,
that I will follow your righteous laws.
Psalm 119:105-106
Over the next few Wednesdays, in keeping with our Wisdom Wednesday theme, I’m going to explore the idea of ‘Making Godly Decisions’. My experience is that many Christians desire to honour God with their lives but sometimes don’t know how.
Our first principle was - humbly trust God. Ok… what now?
Well, the question is how right? How do we trust God as we make decisions? What does it look like to trust God as we make decisions?
Sometimes this is relatively simple. I remember when I was invited to my good mates Bucks Party. He told me there was going to be an ‘adult strip show’ later in the night. Should I go?
I found this to be a relatively simple decision. I was tempted. But I knew what trusting God looked like because God’s pretty clear on this one. I told him I would hang out until the ‘entertainer’ arrived. I left early.
A lot of the time. We know the answer. We know what trusting God looks like. Because He has clearly told us in the Scriptures. The issue in these moments isn’t ignorance/knowledge - it’s the strength of our will.
Knowledge is only as good as our willingness to listen to God’s wisdom. So what do you do if you find yourself crumbling in the face of temptation? Well, I think the answer is to strengthen your will/resolve by remembering a few things.
Things like:
i) That God made you to live a holy life.
ii) That God has saved you from your sins by the inctredibly sacrifice of His Son.
iii) That God loves you and wants your best.
iv) That sin always harms us and often someone else.
v) That God hates sin and even little sins.
vi) That little sins often lead to worse sins.
vii) That resisting temptation is glorifying to God.
viii) That God is with you.
For Today:
- Would you say you are weak-willed or strong-willed?
- When have you made a decision that trusted God? When haven’t you?
- How could you strengthen your will today?
- Praise the Father that He is never weak-willed.
- Give thanks for Jesus who resolved to live a perfect life and did.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others grow in your resolve to trust God.
Posted in Wisdom Wednesday
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