For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Romans 1:21
Today we look at the flipside of thanksgiving: thanklessness.
Ever done something for someone and received no thanks? What if that happened every time? You work hard to show kindness to someone, going out of your way for them, sacrificing for them. How would you feel?
This captures something doesn’t it? Everything we have, life, breath, a beautiful world, a world that works (despite our best efforts), love, joy etc. etc. is by God’s grace. But we ignore and reject Him. It’s wrong.
Now, of course, Christians, with hearts alive and eyes opened by His Spirit, see that it is God who has given us everything good. And yet, we still rarely give Him thanks. How wrong that we would not continually give Him thanks for everything that we receive. Let’s do right by God today.
For Today:
Romans 1:21
Today we look at the flipside of thanksgiving: thanklessness.
Ever done something for someone and received no thanks? What if that happened every time? You work hard to show kindness to someone, going out of your way for them, sacrificing for them. How would you feel?
This captures something doesn’t it? Everything we have, life, breath, a beautiful world, a world that works (despite our best efforts), love, joy etc. etc. is by God’s grace. But we ignore and reject Him. It’s wrong.
Now, of course, Christians, with hearts alive and eyes opened by His Spirit, see that it is God who has given us everything good. And yet, we still rarely give Him thanks. How wrong that we would not continually give Him thanks for everything that we receive. Let’s do right by God today.
For Today:
- Do you see that everything good is from God?
- Do you give God thanks? When you prayer? Through the day?
- How could you build this into your daily life?
- Praise the Father that He is the giver of all things, gracious and kind.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who gives us the greatest gift in salvation.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others give Him the thanks He deserves.
Posted in Thank God It\'s Friday
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