Sage Advice

When his father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he said, “What is this you are doing for the people? Why do you alone sit as judge, while all these people stand around you from morning till evening?”
15 Moses answered him, “Because the people come to me to seek God’s will. 16 Whenever they have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties and inform them of God’s decrees and instructions.”
17 Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. 18 You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.
Exodus 18:14-19
I’m trying to remember what advice I got from my Father-in-law when I saw him last. But here is a nugget of gold from Moses’. What’s the problem? One man, too much work.
Now, before we start thinking how does Jethro’s wisdom apply to us today, we need to be a bit careful. I don’t think we can simply go… people of Israel = the Church. Remember, Israel was a nation as well as a ‘Church’. This is more like, how do you govern Australia. However, I think there are a few things we can take from Jethro’s wisdom for the Kingdom & the Church.
Firstly, the work of governing was never meant to be done by one man. But instead, by many who pass down the wisdom and command of Jesus. Jesus of course recruited 12 disciples. Ephesians 4 describes the process of gifted teachers equipping His people to serve one another.
Secondly, we have much more access to ‘God’s will’ than Israel did. How did the everyday Israelite in the time of the Exodus know God’s will? They didn’t have the Scriptures. They had to go to Moses or as will be the case later - consult the Urim & Thummim.
Ultimately, the principal still stands. God’s people need to know God’s will. And this wisdom needs to come from God, through the Scriptures but also through His people. This work isn’t meant to be done by one Pastor, Theologian or Professor. But by the Pastor leading the people in the work together.
This is what we try to do at Village. If I was to try and do everything, Village would be a mess. Thankfully, many have put up their hand to add their wisdom and work to the great cause of growing God’s Kingdom and Church.
For Today:
15 Moses answered him, “Because the people come to me to seek God’s will. 16 Whenever they have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties and inform them of God’s decrees and instructions.”
17 Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. 18 You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.
Exodus 18:14-19
I’m trying to remember what advice I got from my Father-in-law when I saw him last. But here is a nugget of gold from Moses’. What’s the problem? One man, too much work.
Now, before we start thinking how does Jethro’s wisdom apply to us today, we need to be a bit careful. I don’t think we can simply go… people of Israel = the Church. Remember, Israel was a nation as well as a ‘Church’. This is more like, how do you govern Australia. However, I think there are a few things we can take from Jethro’s wisdom for the Kingdom & the Church.
Firstly, the work of governing was never meant to be done by one man. But instead, by many who pass down the wisdom and command of Jesus. Jesus of course recruited 12 disciples. Ephesians 4 describes the process of gifted teachers equipping His people to serve one another.
Secondly, we have much more access to ‘God’s will’ than Israel did. How did the everyday Israelite in the time of the Exodus know God’s will? They didn’t have the Scriptures. They had to go to Moses or as will be the case later - consult the Urim & Thummim.
Ultimately, the principal still stands. God’s people need to know God’s will. And this wisdom needs to come from God, through the Scriptures but also through His people. This work isn’t meant to be done by one Pastor, Theologian or Professor. But by the Pastor leading the people in the work together.
This is what we try to do at Village. If I was to try and do everything, Village would be a mess. Thankfully, many have put up their hand to add their wisdom and work to the great cause of growing God’s Kingdom and Church.
For Today:
- What wisdom have you received from another believer?
- How are you supporting the work of the Kingdom at Village Church?
- Do you have more capacity to support? Or are you in need of wisdom? Reach out.
- Praise the Father that He is the God of wisdom.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who offers us the opportunity to do good work.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others use what wisdom God has given us to serve His people.
Posted in Exodus
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