
‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’
Exodus 19:4-6
Something I find myself doing constantly as a parent is making deals. Just the other day, if you clean your room - I’ll make you a hot chocolate. A covenant is a bit like this. It’s a legal and binding contract between two parties.
In this case, it’s God who makes a Covenant with Israel. He says, obey me fully and you will be my treasured possession. I already own you as your creator but by grace I will make you a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
Basically, God’s saying, obey me fully and I’ll make you special compared to all the other nations. I’ll look after you. I’ll love you and cherish you. You’ll serve me but this isn’t a bad thing, it’s what will bring you the most joy.
So really, it’s less like promising a hot chocolate. It’s more like promising to adopt a child but saying to the child, I’m going to adopt you but will you listen to me as your Dad?
And God reminds them. In case they might be suspicious or doubt that God could follow through on His side of the bargain. He says, remember what I just did. Guys… I just delivered you from the mighty hand of Pharaoh - made him look like a weakling. I can do it.
So, God can follow through with His side of the covenant. The question is. Can Israel? We’ll see won’t we.
For Today:
Exodus 19:4-6
Something I find myself doing constantly as a parent is making deals. Just the other day, if you clean your room - I’ll make you a hot chocolate. A covenant is a bit like this. It’s a legal and binding contract between two parties.
In this case, it’s God who makes a Covenant with Israel. He says, obey me fully and you will be my treasured possession. I already own you as your creator but by grace I will make you a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
Basically, God’s saying, obey me fully and I’ll make you special compared to all the other nations. I’ll look after you. I’ll love you and cherish you. You’ll serve me but this isn’t a bad thing, it’s what will bring you the most joy.
So really, it’s less like promising a hot chocolate. It’s more like promising to adopt a child but saying to the child, I’m going to adopt you but will you listen to me as your Dad?
And God reminds them. In case they might be suspicious or doubt that God could follow through on His side of the bargain. He says, remember what I just did. Guys… I just delivered you from the mighty hand of Pharaoh - made him look like a weakling. I can do it.
So, God can follow through with His side of the covenant. The question is. Can Israel? We’ll see won’t we.
For Today:
- Did you know what a Covenant was?
- Do you see yourself as God’s treasured possession?
- Reflect on what it means to be a priest of God today.
- Praise the Father that He adopts us as His treasured children.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who is God’s firstborn and perfect in obedience.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others obey God completely.
Posted in Exodus
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