
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Exodus 20:4-5
Of all the commandments, it’s most likely this one that causes us the most confusion and even concern. For some the question is, why can’t we acknowledge other gods? For others, the question is about God’s jealousy and punishing future generations. Maybe it’s all of the above.
Let’s begin with other gods. As is often the case with God’s commands, there is at play a right/wrong and a good/harmful aspect. Why shouldn’t we worship other gods? Because it’s wrong to give glory or honour to anyone or anything other than God. To believe in, pray to, fear etc. a false god is to rob God of the worship He deserves.
But secondly, idolatry is wrong because it’s harmful to us. How? Because they are false gods we have created in our own image. What’s the problem with that? What happens with false gods is that we transfer on them our own sinful desires which gives a kind of ‘divine authority’.
For instance, take Islam. A religion that gives licence to warfare, control of women and multiple sexual partners (multiple wives). Here is a religion made in the image of man that reflects the desires of primarily men. And how much harm has been done by Islam.
Now, I understand. Christianity has its abuses and failures. Absolutely. But I think what we can be confident of, compared to other religions, is that at the heart of Christianity is a pure and perfect God. Even as humans in their sinful nature will continue to twist or abuse His good Word.
But this explains God’s jealousy. Jealousy can be a dark thing. When we covet something we are not entitled to. A person might be jealous or envious of another person because he or she has something they don’t. But with God, jealousy is righteousness. He desires only what He is entitled to.
If a husband sees another man staring through the window at his wife getting dress, he is right to feel a righteous jealousy. This other man is not entitled to see his wife naked. This type of jealousy is not sinful. Rather, it is entirely appropriate.
So there’s some explanation. Let’s leave it at that for now. Next Tuesday we will answer the second part of our questions that wrestle with sins passed onto later generations.
For Today:
Exodus 20:4-5
Of all the commandments, it’s most likely this one that causes us the most confusion and even concern. For some the question is, why can’t we acknowledge other gods? For others, the question is about God’s jealousy and punishing future generations. Maybe it’s all of the above.
Let’s begin with other gods. As is often the case with God’s commands, there is at play a right/wrong and a good/harmful aspect. Why shouldn’t we worship other gods? Because it’s wrong to give glory or honour to anyone or anything other than God. To believe in, pray to, fear etc. a false god is to rob God of the worship He deserves.
But secondly, idolatry is wrong because it’s harmful to us. How? Because they are false gods we have created in our own image. What’s the problem with that? What happens with false gods is that we transfer on them our own sinful desires which gives a kind of ‘divine authority’.
For instance, take Islam. A religion that gives licence to warfare, control of women and multiple sexual partners (multiple wives). Here is a religion made in the image of man that reflects the desires of primarily men. And how much harm has been done by Islam.
Now, I understand. Christianity has its abuses and failures. Absolutely. But I think what we can be confident of, compared to other religions, is that at the heart of Christianity is a pure and perfect God. Even as humans in their sinful nature will continue to twist or abuse His good Word.
But this explains God’s jealousy. Jealousy can be a dark thing. When we covet something we are not entitled to. A person might be jealous or envious of another person because he or she has something they don’t. But with God, jealousy is righteousness. He desires only what He is entitled to.
If a husband sees another man staring through the window at his wife getting dress, he is right to feel a righteous jealousy. This other man is not entitled to see his wife naked. This type of jealousy is not sinful. Rather, it is entirely appropriate.
So there’s some explanation. Let’s leave it at that for now. Next Tuesday we will answer the second part of our questions that wrestle with sins passed onto later generations.
For Today:
- Do you see the difference between God’s jealousy and sinful human jealousy?
- Do you struggle with God’s desire for us to have no other gods? Why?
- Ask God to help you see His goodness today.
- Praise the Father that He is good and righteous.
- Give thanks for Jesus who is the perfect image of the true God.
- Ask God to help you and others worship Him alone and give Him the love and honour He deserves.
Posted in Exodus
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