Sabbath pt.2

8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.
Exodus 20:8-10
We live in what one writer called the Age of Exhaustion. We feel tired all the time. Tired of work. Tired of making decisions. Tired of complexity. No wonder we retreat to the mindlessness of entertainment. But will that bring us true rest?
I think most people over the age of around 13 long for rest. Whether it’s rest from assignments and school. Or rest from social pressures. Maybe it’s rest from your job. Or the dramas of family. It’s almost certainly a rest from the hair-pulling experience of dealing with technology and bureaucracy.
But where will we find true rest? Our world has some answers. True rest is found in a financially secure retirement. Or in a nicely renovated house. It’s found in expensive holidays or a wine with a show. But does that bring true rest?
One of the things I’m wondering is if actually, we’ve been sold a lie. What if that sort of rest. Actually only makes us more tired. See how it works. The Israelite knew nothing of holidays, Netflix or social media reels. So as they work, there is no wrestle.
There’s no deep longing for a new house or retirement. Because it’s just not a part of the culture. That means there’s no wrestling. And maybe this is less tiring than what we face?
Again, something to ponder. Sabbath pt.3 on Tuesday.
For Today:
Exodus 20:8-10
We live in what one writer called the Age of Exhaustion. We feel tired all the time. Tired of work. Tired of making decisions. Tired of complexity. No wonder we retreat to the mindlessness of entertainment. But will that bring us true rest?
I think most people over the age of around 13 long for rest. Whether it’s rest from assignments and school. Or rest from social pressures. Maybe it’s rest from your job. Or the dramas of family. It’s almost certainly a rest from the hair-pulling experience of dealing with technology and bureaucracy.
But where will we find true rest? Our world has some answers. True rest is found in a financially secure retirement. Or in a nicely renovated house. It’s found in expensive holidays or a wine with a show. But does that bring true rest?
One of the things I’m wondering is if actually, we’ve been sold a lie. What if that sort of rest. Actually only makes us more tired. See how it works. The Israelite knew nothing of holidays, Netflix or social media reels. So as they work, there is no wrestle.
There’s no deep longing for a new house or retirement. Because it’s just not a part of the culture. That means there’s no wrestling. And maybe this is less tiring than what we face?
Again, something to ponder. Sabbath pt.3 on Tuesday.
For Today:
- What is tiring you the most?
- Do you struggle at work - wishing you were somewhere else?
- How do you rest?
- Praise God that He offers true rest to His people.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who worked hard to serve us.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to be at work in you and others to help you work hard in doing good.
Posted in Exodus
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