
“Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them. 9 Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.
Exodus 25:8-9
Imagine something with me. Walking to the Win Entertainment centre. You go past Chicko’s…. Oh wait… So sad… Anyway. Across the road and into those big doors. You go into the arena. What have you come to see?
No… Not the Hawks. Not Elton John. And not even the Christian Evangelist. Inside is the very presence of God.
This was the tabernacle. Not a stadium but a tent. A big tent. It had a few important features. The lampstand that reminds us of the tree of life. The twelve loaves of bread that symbolise the Tribes of Israel (and God’s people). And most importantly, the Ark of the Covenant.
In the Ark was the 2 tablets of the 10 commandments as well as some manna to remind Israel of the law and their time in the wilderness. The centrepiece of the Ark is it’s cover - the mercy seat where angels gaze in awe at God’s wisdom, mercy and justice as the blood of a lamb covered the sins of His people.
But what is the tabernacle? It’s the place where heaven met earth. To walk into the Holy of Holies is to be in two places - spiritual and the physical. Hebrews says that the Tabernacle is something of a microcosm of how things should be. Just as God’s presence and glory fills the Holy of Holies - so His presence is to fill the universe.
But of course this brings us to Jesus who John says ‘tabernacled’ among us (see John 1:14 - check your footnotes). God's desire is to dwell with His people in spite of their sin. Jesus came to dwell with us. And through Him God does dwell with His people in the Holy Spirit.
What could be more amazing than seeing God’s presence in the Win Entertainment Centre? Seeing His presence in you. And with eyes of faith, you can. This is the most remarkable thing. You have become like the tabernacle. Because of the sacrifice of Christ that sanctifies you.
Something to consider today and rejoice in.
For Today:
Exodus 25:8-9
Imagine something with me. Walking to the Win Entertainment centre. You go past Chicko’s…. Oh wait… So sad… Anyway. Across the road and into those big doors. You go into the arena. What have you come to see?
No… Not the Hawks. Not Elton John. And not even the Christian Evangelist. Inside is the very presence of God.
This was the tabernacle. Not a stadium but a tent. A big tent. It had a few important features. The lampstand that reminds us of the tree of life. The twelve loaves of bread that symbolise the Tribes of Israel (and God’s people). And most importantly, the Ark of the Covenant.
In the Ark was the 2 tablets of the 10 commandments as well as some manna to remind Israel of the law and their time in the wilderness. The centrepiece of the Ark is it’s cover - the mercy seat where angels gaze in awe at God’s wisdom, mercy and justice as the blood of a lamb covered the sins of His people.
But what is the tabernacle? It’s the place where heaven met earth. To walk into the Holy of Holies is to be in two places - spiritual and the physical. Hebrews says that the Tabernacle is something of a microcosm of how things should be. Just as God’s presence and glory fills the Holy of Holies - so His presence is to fill the universe.
But of course this brings us to Jesus who John says ‘tabernacled’ among us (see John 1:14 - check your footnotes). God's desire is to dwell with His people in spite of their sin. Jesus came to dwell with us. And through Him God does dwell with His people in the Holy Spirit.
What could be more amazing than seeing God’s presence in the Win Entertainment Centre? Seeing His presence in you. And with eyes of faith, you can. This is the most remarkable thing. You have become like the tabernacle. Because of the sacrifice of Christ that sanctifies you.
Something to consider today and rejoice in.
For Today:
- What would you rather? See God’s presence or have it dwell in you?
- Why?
- What responsibilities come with having God dwell with you?
- Praise God that He is gracious in His desire to dwell with His people.
- Give thanks for Jesus who came amongst us.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others rejoice in God’s dwelling with you.
Posted in Exodus
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