
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
Ephesians 6:18-20
Getting to church can sometimes be a bit of a mission. Particularly if you have a young family. It can feel a bit of a scramble. By the time we get to church we’re often already in the ‘just get through this’ mode. You know that feeling?
The problem with being in that survival mode or mentality is that our focus becomes ourselves. When you are in survival mode, it’s hard to think of others. It’s hard to serve and love others. It’s hard to focus on important things like the Bible teaching or to engage with the prayers.
So how do we get out of survival mode at Church? I know, get rid of the kids! Ha. Here is one suggestion. Pray. On your way to Church. Pray. Pray in the car or on the train or on the walk, however you get there. Pray that God would help you to lift your eyes to see Him.
Pray that God would lift your eyes to see others. Pray for whoever is preaching that they would proclaim the gospel fearlessly and teach the word of God clearly.
Pray on this occasion and every Sunday that you would be alert and present even if you are still in the war-zone of life’s circumstances.
For Today:
Ephesians 6:18-20
Getting to church can sometimes be a bit of a mission. Particularly if you have a young family. It can feel a bit of a scramble. By the time we get to church we’re often already in the ‘just get through this’ mode. You know that feeling?
The problem with being in that survival mode or mentality is that our focus becomes ourselves. When you are in survival mode, it’s hard to think of others. It’s hard to serve and love others. It’s hard to focus on important things like the Bible teaching or to engage with the prayers.
So how do we get out of survival mode at Church? I know, get rid of the kids! Ha. Here is one suggestion. Pray. On your way to Church. Pray. Pray in the car or on the train or on the walk, however you get there. Pray that God would help you to lift your eyes to see Him.
Pray that God would lift your eyes to see others. Pray for whoever is preaching that they would proclaim the gospel fearlessly and teach the word of God clearly.
Pray on this occasion and every Sunday that you would be alert and present even if you are still in the war-zone of life’s circumstances.
For Today:
- Do you often come to church in survival mode?
- Do you pray on your way to church? Have you ever?
- Start the habit today of praying on the way to Church.
- Praise the Father that He hears our prayers and gives us His Spirit to help us pray.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who didn’t just live in survival mode but loved God and people.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others pray on all occasions.
Posted in Save Our Sundays
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