The Mould

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

Romans 12:1-2

A while ago, my daughter fractured her wrist much to her frustration. We took her to the hand specialist who created a hard plastic mould that would pressure her bones into the desired shape.

This is the idea behind Paul’s word ‘pattern’. He is referring to a pattern, a mould of this world. Not some benign piece of plastic but a cultural mould that attempts to force us to conform to its pattern.

In his book, ‘The Rise & Triumph of the Modern Self’, Carl Trueman helpfully shows that the pattern of our world is the worship of self and self-expression. The most important thing, according to our culture, is that I am able to live as my authentic self (regardless of biology, impact on greater society or God’s design).

This fits with Paul’s words in Romans 1 when he charts the history of humanity as a descent into idolatry where we exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped created things rather than our creator. In the modern age, we don’t worship carved images of wood or stone, instead, we worship the images of God in ourselves and others.

This is the pattern of our world. Like an ocean rip, when we see it and understand it, we can successfully navigate the waters and escape the pull. More on that later this week.

For Today:
  • What have you noticed about the pattern of this world?
  • How are you feeling the world’s pull right now?
  • How will you resist being moulded this week?

  • Praise the Father that He lives according to His own good pattern.
  • Give thanks for the Son who shows us the true image of God. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to be at work in you and others to transform us into Christ’s image as faithful worshippers of God.
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