New Years Psalm 1

Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God
Psalm 90:1-2
My kids love watching movies over and over again. This Christmas, it’s been the Croods 2. I won’t make comment about the movie itself, but one line comes to mind as I read the first verses of this Psalm. One character says to the other, “I’ve realised something, home isn’t a place, it’s a person.”
Now, cheesiness aside. I think that’s exactly what Moses is saying in this Psalm. Long before God came to Israel as a pillar of fire or cloud, He dwelt with His people.
We see it in the beginning. God walks in the garden with Adam & Eve. We see it in God’s persistence throughout history to remain in some form with His people, in tabernacle and temple. Ultimately we see it in Jesus Christ as God comes to dwell amongst us as one of us and sends His Spirit to dwell in us. One day, in the new creation, we will dwell with God forever, spiritually and physically.
Home isn’t a place. It's the person of God. When we have Him. When we dwell with Him and Him with us. We are home. Rejoice in that.
But also, cast a thought to those who are homeless this Christmas.
For Today:
throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God
Psalm 90:1-2
My kids love watching movies over and over again. This Christmas, it’s been the Croods 2. I won’t make comment about the movie itself, but one line comes to mind as I read the first verses of this Psalm. One character says to the other, “I’ve realised something, home isn’t a place, it’s a person.”
Now, cheesiness aside. I think that’s exactly what Moses is saying in this Psalm. Long before God came to Israel as a pillar of fire or cloud, He dwelt with His people.
We see it in the beginning. God walks in the garden with Adam & Eve. We see it in God’s persistence throughout history to remain in some form with His people, in tabernacle and temple. Ultimately we see it in Jesus Christ as God comes to dwell amongst us as one of us and sends His Spirit to dwell in us. One day, in the new creation, we will dwell with God forever, spiritually and physically.
Home isn’t a place. It's the person of God. When we have Him. When we dwell with Him and Him with us. We are home. Rejoice in that.
But also, cast a thought to those who are homeless this Christmas.
For Today:
- Is God your home?
- Do you trust that God dwells with you?
- Pray for a few ‘homeless’ people today.
- Praise the Father that He created us to know Him and find our home in Him.
- Give thanks for Jesus Christ who came to dwell among us so that could return to God.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to bring homeless people back to Himself.
Posted in Psalms
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