A Week of Fin - 5

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.
Ephesians 5:8
I don’t know about you but I was a pretty quirky kid growing up - and maybe I still am. But I just couldn't settle for being “plain”. I took every opportunity to be a whisper in a crowded room, even if it meant finding myself on the fringes of my friend groups.
Lucky for me, this spirit of uniqueness gave me a head start when I began following Jesus. To be unique is exactly what God asks of us; Children of light in a world suffocated by darkness, which can feel like a daunting task, but it is the way we are meant to live.
Jesus was the epitome of uniqueness. What some considered a rebel at the time, or a madman, he was certainly the most dazzling light to ever shine. Jesus calls us to shine that same light, not of quirkiness exactly, but of goodness, righteousness, and truth.
Paul reminds us that we are “light in the Lord”. What does this mean? Well the light represents the righteousness of God, which is only found in Jesus. So, to declare that we are now “light in the Lord” is truly remarkable. Those who have faith in Jesus are not just illuminated; they embody His righteousness and reflect His truth in the world.
He urges to expose the wickedness of our world, shining the truth of Him onto others who live in the darkness. To shine light onto those who are blindly wandering, lost and broken, and those longing for the love and life that only He can provide. It’s a call to action. And what an honour it is to be called to such a thing, and to know it pleases the Lord. How are you doing in shining your light in the darkness?
With this in mind, I encourage you to embrace the light that has been given to you. Shine it unashamedly and shine bright. God calls us unique for a reason - we are His children of light. Let’s not take this for granted; instead, be bold and delight in knowing the darkness has been overcome through Jesus.
Ephesians 5:8
I don’t know about you but I was a pretty quirky kid growing up - and maybe I still am. But I just couldn't settle for being “plain”. I took every opportunity to be a whisper in a crowded room, even if it meant finding myself on the fringes of my friend groups.
Lucky for me, this spirit of uniqueness gave me a head start when I began following Jesus. To be unique is exactly what God asks of us; Children of light in a world suffocated by darkness, which can feel like a daunting task, but it is the way we are meant to live.
Jesus was the epitome of uniqueness. What some considered a rebel at the time, or a madman, he was certainly the most dazzling light to ever shine. Jesus calls us to shine that same light, not of quirkiness exactly, but of goodness, righteousness, and truth.
Paul reminds us that we are “light in the Lord”. What does this mean? Well the light represents the righteousness of God, which is only found in Jesus. So, to declare that we are now “light in the Lord” is truly remarkable. Those who have faith in Jesus are not just illuminated; they embody His righteousness and reflect His truth in the world.
He urges to expose the wickedness of our world, shining the truth of Him onto others who live in the darkness. To shine light onto those who are blindly wandering, lost and broken, and those longing for the love and life that only He can provide. It’s a call to action. And what an honour it is to be called to such a thing, and to know it pleases the Lord. How are you doing in shining your light in the darkness?
With this in mind, I encourage you to embrace the light that has been given to you. Shine it unashamedly and shine bright. God calls us unique for a reason - we are His children of light. Let’s not take this for granted; instead, be bold and delight in knowing the darkness has been overcome through Jesus.
- Are there specific relationships or situations where you can shine His light more brightly?
- Reflect on a moment when you felt empowered to share your faith. What impact did that have on you and others?
- Take a moment to thank God for the gift of His light in your life.
- Praise the Father for being the ultimate light.
- Give thanks for Jesus, for the righteousness we’ve received and how it transforms us.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to give you boldness to shine your light in your community, and for wisdom to recognise opportunities to reflect His love.
- Pray for those in darkness, that they may encounter His light through you.
Posted in A Week of Fin
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